Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Having trouble regaining your slim, svelte self?

Some key lessons I learned on my weight loss journey:

  • An Active LifeStyle is MORE Important than your diet.
  • Don't believe you have to eat 5 times a day - this leads to hunger 5 times a day.
  • Learn to like water (Best) or Diet Soda.
  • Have healthy snacks ready every day and close to hand.
  • 30 Minutes of moderate walking IS an Active Lifestyle.
  • Your biggest enemy is idle time, keep busy, visit, walk, work but between meals don't sit around. Idle time is the enemy of all bad habits.

Here are some pins to help you reach your goals:

Exercises that eliminate cellulite - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/152770612334781119/

Healthy Lunch Ideas - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/152770612334781105/

Healthy Snacks Ideas - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/152770612334955525/

8 Simple Exercises for Beginners - http://www.pinterest.com/pin/152770612334955531/

Here are some articles about the above points:
  • An Active Life Style is MORE Important than your diet.
Con: Which Impacts Your Weight More: Diet or Exercise?
Pro: The benefits of relying on exercise to do the work
  • Don't believe you have to eat 5 times a day - this leads to hunger 5 times a day.
Check this article out: Dangers of Frequent Eating
  • Learn to like water (Best) or Diet Soda.
These two articles discuss this: What You Need to Know About Diet Soda and Weight Loss
and this one: Diet Drinks vs Water
  • Have healthy snacks ready every day and close to hand. Here are Two ways to do this:
10 Foods You Should Always Have in Your Fridge
Read this one too: 53 Healthy Paleo Snacks to Keep You Satisfied Between Meals
and see: Moderate Walking
Idle Time Advice

Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Resolutions for 2014

Pinterest is encouraging people to have a Resolution Pin Board for 2014. I decided to make a Pin board because I thought it would help me to achieve my goals this year.

I read that only 8 percent of the people in one survey ever completed their New Years Resolutions. I knew that I always start off with a bang but rarely continue throughout the year. I decided to keep my list short so I could more likely stay at all the changes that are required to accomplish any goal.

So for my #PinResolutionBoard I will use these guidelines:
Goals 2014

  • Have only a few goals - I chose just 5
  • Create a different infographic for each goal
  • Put my list on my Pinterest Board in an infographic
  • Create a plan for each goal and create another infographic for each goals plans
  • Put update posts here each month and pin the post as Update Jan, etc.
On my monthly updates I will record problems that keep me from my daily or weekly tasks related to my goals.

My 5 Goals are:

1. Health: Regular Exercise & Healthy Diet
2. No New Debt
3. Study the Old Testament
4. Serve Others
5. Patience & Inner Peace

I will organize my schedule around these goals so I have a focused, planned, scheduled activities. This will help me to resist distractions and allow me to protect my efforts to improve this year. If I miss I will note why and immediately reschedule that activity so it won't get lost in my busy life. I will ask others to respect my efforts  to grow and improve.