Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Resolutions for 2014

Pinterest is encouraging people to have a Resolution Pin Board for 2014. I decided to make a Pin board because I thought it would help me to achieve my goals this year.

I read that only 8 percent of the people in one survey ever completed their New Years Resolutions. I knew that I always start off with a bang but rarely continue throughout the year. I decided to keep my list short so I could more likely stay at all the changes that are required to accomplish any goal.

So for my #PinResolutionBoard I will use these guidelines:
Goals 2014

  • Have only a few goals - I chose just 5
  • Create a different infographic for each goal
  • Put my list on my Pinterest Board in an infographic
  • Create a plan for each goal and create another infographic for each goals plans
  • Put update posts here each month and pin the post as Update Jan, etc.
On my monthly updates I will record problems that keep me from my daily or weekly tasks related to my goals.

My 5 Goals are:

1. Health: Regular Exercise & Healthy Diet
2. No New Debt
3. Study the Old Testament
4. Serve Others
5. Patience & Inner Peace

I will organize my schedule around these goals so I have a focused, planned, scheduled activities. This will help me to resist distractions and allow me to protect my efforts to improve this year. If I miss I will note why and immediately reschedule that activity so it won't get lost in my busy life. I will ask others to respect my efforts  to grow and improve.

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